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2hr 11min
What's new in Tableau 2020.3
In 2020.3 Tableau gave Prep the ability to write to database, ability to grant licenses on sign in, improved data connectors and a range of quality of life improvements for server, online and desktop. Jump in to find out more.
5hr 48min
What's new in Tableau 2020.2
Relationships, relationships, relationships. That alongside metrics, set controls and improvements to previous features make this probably the biggest leap in any release in a long while.
0hr 54min
What's new in Tableau 2020.1
Find out about dynamic parameters, viz animations, buffer calculations and many more features in the first release of 2020.

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Picture this: A path to normalcy
A video I produced, narrated, edited and sketch-noted on behalf of Tableau to help paint the picture of what the path to normalcy looks like
Tableau 2020.4 new feature Livestream
Join me for this live stream to find out how Tableau's 2020.4 features work and how they might impact your decision to upgrade.