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What's new in Tableau 2022.4
2022.4 packs in yet more quality-of-life updates including image roles, the proper function and more.
What's new in Tableau 2022.2
2022.2 brings in fewer authoring features than we are used to in place of many more features targeted at Tableau Cloud, the tableau exchange and some long-overdue improvements to Tableau Prep.
What's new in Tableau 2022.3
2022.3 is a small update, but a few features pack a punch in this release, not least Dynamic zone visibility.

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Picture this: A path to normalcy
A video I produced, narrated, edited and sketch-noted on behalf of Tableau to help paint the picture of what the path to normalcy looks like
Tableau 2020.4 new feature Livestream
Join me for this live stream to find out how Tableau's 2020.4 features work and how they might impact your decision to upgrade.