Key takeaways

  • Understand the total function
  • Understand what a partition is
  • Understand why Totals shouldn't be confused with the mathematical totals we've seen in other tools.

The Total function in Tableau & partitions

Find why the total function shouldn't be considered a mathematical total and why partitions drive how this function behaves.

The total function in Tableau takes whatever expression you give it and computes it for the whole data set in your partition. i.e. the totality of the data set. It's not to be confused with totalling up your data or summing up your values. Dive into this video to find out more about partitions and the function itself.


0:00 Intro

0:14 How the Total function works

2:25 How partitions are defined

8:20 Using Total with an Average

9:50 Outro

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