A course covering tableau Pulse as new features get added.
This video walks you through the setup process, highlighting the necessary steps and permissions required for creating and viewing metrics, with a focus on the integration of Tableau AI and generative AI for insight summaries. Additionally, it addresses the implications of Tableau Pulse's exclusivity to Tableau Cloud, potentially influencing users' decisions between Tableau Server and Cloud.
Help Guide: https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/pulse_set_up.htm
0:00 Start
0:19 Introduction
0:56 Enabling Tableau Pulse
4:14 Tableau Cloud & Tableau Pulse
5:23 Permissions in Tableau Pulse
10:07 Metrics support deprecated
10:50 No support for Tableau Server
11:50 My next video on Tableau Pulse
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(C) 2023 TN-Media LTD. No re-use, unauthorized use, or redistribution, of this video without prior permission.