In 2020.3 Tableau gave Prep the ability to write to database, ability to grant licenses on sign in, improved data connectors and a range of quality of life improvements for server, online and desktop. Jump in to find out more.
In tableau 2020.3, you can now tag stale content directly from the stale content admin view for easy follow up with content owners. I'll also show you how to use the metadata API and GraphiQL to query stale content and their owners on Tableau Server and Tableau Online.0:00 Intro and overview.0:35 Navigate to the stale content admin workbook.1:10 Using the stale content admin workbook workbook 2:30 Tagging stale content in the workbook3:38 Finding tagged content on your server using the tag search4:50 Viewing your assets on the Server.5:21 Accessing GraphiQL and how to Query the tableau Metadata API.10:20 Adding filters to your GraphiQL query. -------Join my Discord Server. it's a little sparse at the moment but hang in there.