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What's new in Tableau 2022.2
2022.2 brings in fewer authoring features than we are used to in place of many more features targeted at Tableau Cloud, the tableau exchange and some long-overdue improvements to Tableau Prep.
What's new in Tableau 2022.1
2022.1 has been showcased. Now it's time to find out about the features. Check back to this course to find out more about the features as they're released.

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The Total function in Tableau & partitions
Find why the total function shouldn't be considered a mathematical total and why partitions drive how this function behaves.
The Rank function in Tableau & all its variants
Find out how to use the Rank function and all its variants.
ZN function in Tableau: Replace nulls with zeros
Find out why you need to know about this function and how to use it.